Explore the possibilities for your business


Save time with our capture options that automatically sort images into individual galleries upon upload! Whether you have the complete names lists ahead of time or are working from a blank slate, our system makes online galleries easy to create!


Prepay, proofing, or a combination of both – you choose how you sell! Offer multiple poses in your own modern, mobile-friendly online shop so you can earn more and have happier parents.

Preview a sample online shop below!
1. Use access code GotPhoto for the proofing shop and code PrepayDemo for the prepay shop
2. Fill in your details as a parent to view


Create and send automated email and text messages for parents to notify them when their child’s photos are ready online – and for reminders to purchase. No more forgotten order slips!


We eliminate the stress of fulfilling and delivering orders. Paid orders can automatically be sent to the lab for fulfillment, or you can easily do it yourself. You choose to have orders drop or batch shipped to the school or your studio, or allow parents to order directly to their homes.

Work less and earn more

How many times have you stayed up late or spent hours going through customer emails, sorting individual payment forms, or double-checking that orders have been sent to the lab? How much potential revenue have you missed by only offering one image to parents?

GotPhoto saves your valuable time by automating tasks, setting up reminders to purchase, and helping you earn more by offering multiple poses and upselling options.

Get a Free GotPhoto Trial